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Soar Quotes

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Manic depressives have all the luck; they soar between crashes. The best us regular depressives can do is battle our way up to normal every now and then.  (Soar Quotes) To work magic is to weave the unseen forces into form; to soar beyond sight; to explore the uncharted dream realm of the hidden reality.  (Soar Quotes) Oh that it were with me As with the flower; Blooming on its own tree For butterfly and bee Its summer morns: That I might bloom mine hour A rose in spite of thorns. Oh that my work were done As birds’ that soar Rejoicing in the sun: That when my time is run And daylight too, I so might rest once more Cool with refreshing dew.  (Soar Quotes) I love to soar in the boundless sky. In the vast emptiness of the blue, my soul rejoices listening to the soundless music of the wind.  (Soar Quotes) Books saved my sanity, knowledge opened the locked places in me and taught me first how to survive and then how to soar.  (Soar Quotes) There’s the space that you soar into, the space that you sometimes break through to, and hang in. A sort of gasp or gap.  (Soar Quotes) Money is a big part of your life, and when you learn how to get your finances under control, all areas of your life will soar.  (Soar Quotes) I wanted color. I wanted to soar with happiness even if it meant dealing with the weight of fear and guilt, too. I wanted to live.  (Soar Quotes) We are born to soar. We are children of God. ... The Fatherhood of God offers a deep spiritual cure for the inferiority complex and lays the firm foundation for a solid spiritual self-esteem.  (Soar Quotes) Don’t waste your time trying to turn ducks into eagles. Hire people who already have the motivation and drive to be eagles and then just let them soar.  (Soar Quotes) Faith furnishes prayer with wings, without which it cannot soar to Heaven  (Soar Quotes) Happiness, thou art naught but an illusion. Thy enchantments are cast upon my eyes, my mind, my spellbound heart. Dependent upon nothing but thy victim’s perception of thee, souls soar at thy artful hand! I have fallen in love with thy illusions, Happiness. Thou hast made me a part of them, and I am left delirious.  (Soar Quotes) All through the long winter, I dream of my garden. On the first day of spring, I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth. I can feel its energy, and my spirits soar.  (Soar Quotes) Mary Kay knew that when you put people first and then surround them with processes and disciplines that recognize their efforts, performance will soar.  (Soar Quotes) I would be a wedge-tailed eagle. I would only live for the joy of flight. I would soar at great heights, on top of the wind. I would be above everything, over the little towns clinging to the highway. I would be a part of everything.  (Soar Quotes) You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.  (Soar Quotes) Hope humbly then; with trembling pinions soar; Wait the great teacher, Death, and God adore; What future bliss He gives not thee to know, But gives that hope to be thy blessing now.  (Soar Quotes) That eagle’s fate and mine are one, Which, on the shaft that made him die, Espied a feather of his own, Wherewith he won’t to soar so high.  (Soar Quotes) To work magic is to weave the unseen forces into form; to soar beyond sight; to explore the uncharted dream realm of the hidden reality; to infuse life with color, motion and strange scents that intoxicate; to leap beyond imagination into that space between the worlds where fantasy becomes real; to be at once animal and God. Magic is...the ultimate adventure.  (Soar Quotes) Dream large and make yaour dreams defy the laws of gravity. Soar high and show your inner strength  (Soar Quotes)
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